Wed Oct 3

Items-Warriors Round Shield, Bacon and Broccoli Omelette, Strawberry Jelly, Neo Crackers, Yellow Blumaroo Keyring, Rainbow Sand, Eye Candy, Old Rotten Right Boot, Breadfish, Grey Sea Fern, Cartography for Beginners.
Fortune-You will mistakenly crush vast riches in Faerieland.
Health/points- Coltzan's Shrine gave my Aisha a level, Healing springs filled her little tummy up and "restored her hit points" which of course means they actually go down as they were higher than the maximum..., fishing skill point for my Blumaroo,

Lab Ray:

Hee hee hee!

The ray is fired at hfj1143316262254...

... and she gains 2 movement points!!!!

Petpet Lab Ray:

Nothing looks different about Tumbles but you can sense something happened. It becomes evident later when it tries to climb a tree but breaks off the branch instead. The ray has increased its level to: 2

Tomorrow may see another boost if you're brave enough to risk it.

Tues Oct 2

Health Boosts: Coltzan's Shrine: Resnick13323 feels faster! Cool!, Healing Springs: all your Neopets gain 3 hit points, fishing skill points for my Uni and Aisha.
Fortune: Your sense of self will cease without you noticing.
Items-Tchea Fruit, Yellow Lupe Plushie, Crunchy Skullberry, Poisonous Jelly, Spicy Red Pepper Omelette, Neo Crackers, Ghost Marshmallows, Flaming Fire Faerie Pizza, Lesser Spotted Fish, Scrawnyfish, Old Rotten Right Shoe, Old Rotten Right Sandal, Keeping the Peace.

I added a whole bunch of new dailies.
I won both the Tombola and Fruit Machine! Woo!

Cutsie Pets

I bought a bunch of wearables yesterday and used up all my savings. :-) I guess that Disco Paint Brush will have to wait a while. But aren't they cute??

Mon Oct 1

Happy October, and don't forget to collect your freebies!

Fortune: You will be assaulted by a pack of enraged Kaus.
These fortunes do not make much sense at all, but I am hoping to eventually get the one about the Kyriis so I get the avatar. Then I can stop.
My Grundo and my Blumaroo both had their fishing skill increased by 1.
NP earned: 2100
Items received: Water Mote, Crunchy Skullberry, Poisonous Jelly, Healing Potion VIII, Soggy Old Box, Blueberry Snow Puff, Onion Sorbet, Hot Dog with Mustard & Relish, Spore Blossom, Can of Prune Juice, Bucket of Sludge, Blandfish, Lesser Spotted Fish, Rusty Old Can.